
Benefits of having write-only access to my todo list

While traveling recently, I read an interesting article that I wanted to share with my team at work.

I've previously tried various ways to send notes to myself when I'm not working: e.g., emailing my work address, logging into Slack and setting a reminder, or creating a task in Todoist (the task manager I use outside of work). But these methods can be fiddly, and they make it harder to stay organized when I return to work. Worse - in the case of Slack - I'd run the risk of seeing work chats while on vacation!

So instead, I use Frogtab's send from any device feature.

Here's how it works:

  1. Open my personal link on my phone, then write a note.

    Send to Frogtab
  2. Tap the send button.

That's it - quick and easy 😌

When I return to work, the note will be waiting in my Frogtab inbox, which is a pinned tab in my browser.

This "write-only" approach is the healthiest way I've found of handing the inevitable work-related thoughts that emerge during non-working times. After sending a note to my inbox, I can let go of the thought for now, safe in the knowledge that I won't overlook it later.

Frogtab is a task manager I'm building to help keep me focused on my day-to-day priorities. It's designed to be lightweight and respect data privacy. To learn more, check out the docs!