
Latest improvements to Frogtab's registration flow (now with self-service unregistration!)

Frogtab is a browser-based task manager that helps keep me focused on my day-to-day priorities.

Data privacy is one of my primary considerations as I'm building Frogtab. As much as possible, I want all data to be stored in my browser and never get sent to a server. But I'd also like the ability to send tasks to Frogtab from my phone when I'm away from my computer.

To achieve this, Frogtab lets me "register" my computer so that I can send tasks to my inbox using a special link. This feature uses a server to relay tasks to my computer. The tasks are encrypted before reaching the server, and can only be decrypted using a key on my computer. Tasks that I create on my computer aren't sent to the server - data flows in one direction only.

Since I last blogged about this feature, a bunch of curious folks have been kind enough to try registering. I'm extremely grateful for everyone's feedback! 🌟

Although Frogtab doesn't collect any personal details during registration, I feel a duty to make it possible to unregister. So I'm pleased to report that Frogtab can now forget your device:

  1. Open Registering for a personal link and locate this info:

    Confirmation of registration
  2. Click Forget this device.

You'll then need to confirm that you want Frogtab to forget your device. After you confirm, the server deletes all credentials associated with your device. In addition, your device stops contacting the server to check for tasks. It'll be like you never registered!

In other news: I'm now using a SQLite database to store data on the server. Previously, I was using a homegrown system of folders and files. The new approach should be much more robust.

If you're interested in the technical side of Frogtab, check out the source code on GitHub!